SOS Children's Villages Eswatini



Children’s rights are laid out in international, regional and national frameworks that establish fundamental rights each child has. Eswatini is a signatory to most the international and regional child’ rights instruments. We work with states and partners to help ensure that children who have lost parental care or risk losing it are protected, cared for and supported, ensuring that their rights are recognised and respected.​ We are committed to safeguarding the rights of all children. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children, and international frameworks such as the Sustainable Development Goals are the foundations of our programme and advocacy work.


Advocacy is critical to the work of SOS CV and this commitment is further strengthened in the organization’s vision 2030 strategy where advocacy stands alone as a core pillar. In an era of ever diminishing aid, advocacy presents SOS with an opportunity for the sustainability of the change we want to see, with greater emphasis placed on policy reforms. The organization has undertaken various advocacy initiatives both international and national levels. These initiatives have served to develop the capacity of the organization to advocate for the issues that are pertinent to the full enjoyment of rights by children in our target group. Further, through these initiatives, the organization continues to witness improvements of policies and legislations in the implementing countries.
The Advocacy function continued to foster collaboration, coordination and synergies to increase child’s rights advocacy. New partnerships were established, and existing partnerships were maintained and strengthened through the continued participation a number of in child rights related networks with the advocating for an improved child’s rights situation. With the aim of strengthening capacity and disseminating information, a number of workshops have been conducted for our beneficiaries, co-workers and community caregivers on Human Rights with more focus on children’s rights, Child Protection, and Gender Based Violence.
Through advocacy at national, regional and international level, decision-makers continued to be sensitised on the rights and needs of children in order to bring changes in policies and practices that will make a positive and lasting difference to the lives of children. This involvement was done through an active participation of the MA in the drafting of the State Party and Civil Society Shadow reports on the UN and Regional Mechanisms, which include the UNCRC, CEDAW and Maputo Protocol. At national level, the MA participated in the development of the National Guidelines for the Multi-Sectoral Response to Sexual and Gender Based Violence in Eswatini and participate in number of consultative meetings to review policies and strategies related to the rights of children.