SOS Children's Villages Eswatini

DHL Go Teach

The Deutsche Post DHL Go Teach Partnership with SOS Children’s Villages Eswatini

The partnership is designed to help young people as they make the transition from basic education to the world of employment.
Mission: We partner to improve the employability of disadvantaged young people by connecting them to the world of work. We take leadership in providing a platform on youth employability based on our successful model.
Vision: Disadvantaged young people successfully manage the transition from school to working life.

Unique Feature

Local employees interact with youths and share their experience and expertise to foster their employability

The three Buzzwords


OUR STORY BOOKD E C E M B E R 2 0 2 1 • V O L . 1

A chronicle of the triumphs and success stories of SOS Children's Villages interventions in Eswatini.

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