SOS Children's Villages Eswatini

One Lilangeni Campaign

One Lilangen Campaign branded items

Purpose of Campaign

The ONE-LILANGENI campaign is a fundraising strategy that will better improve the lives of the children in need through diversified funding markets. SOS Children’s Villages will mobilize different companies, corporate institutions, cooperatives and individual givers to raise awareness on the situation of the child and seek that every Swazi donates 1 LILANGENI and that services companies contribute 1 LILANGENI per product/service sale in support of the SOS Children’s Villages efforts.
All contributions will go towards implementing activities that contributes to the following strategic initiatives:

One Lilangeni Campaign Description

The One Lilangeni Campaign will be a mass mobilization campaign, where SOS Children’s Villages implores,

Goals and Objectives

Target Audience

Key Campaign Messages


The One Lilangeni Campaign will be a Mass Mobilization Campaign and will be implemented through three (3) key media platforms namely;


Benefits/Anticipated Outcomes

OUR STORY BOOKD E C E M B E R 2 0 2 1 • V O L . 1

A chronicle of the triumphs and success stories of SOS Children's Villages interventions in Eswatini.

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