Increasingly consumers, employees and investors are looking for companies to demonstrate their commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and willingness to make a positive global, economic and social impact. By partnering with SOS Children’s Villages Eswatini, your company can help make the world a better place for some of the most vulnerable children and their families.

Together - with your support, we forge ahead towards bringing a sustainable change at scale, into the lives of children & families that we work with!!

Corporate partnerships

For over six decades we continue to provide children without parental care or at the risk of losing it, a value chain of quality care services that goes beyond childcare alone, to ensuring comprehensive child development. Our long-term customised care interventions such as, Family Like Care, Special Needs Childcare, Foster Care, Short Stay Homes, Family Strengthening, Kinship Care, Emergency Childcare, Education & Youth Skilling and are aimed at transforming lives and making children into self-reliant and contributing members of society. We empower vulnerable families in communities to become financially independent, thereby enabling them to create safe and nurturing spaces for children under their care. Had it not been for the support and generosity of patrons like you, our journey may not have been possible at all.

To sustain our current level of work and manage the children that are supported under our Basket Of Care Solutions across Eswatini, we need support. Not a one-time donation, but a sustained support. A lot of ground still remains uncovered. Eswatini has 20 million children without adequate parental care. We need your help at each and every step. Together we can ensure that no child grows up alone

Ways to partner with us

Support us through financial donations under your CSR objectives that supplement our ability to deliver impactful solutions for underprivileged children. We are the only self-implementing NGO working at the national level with children in 22 states/UT’s. We are privileged to be part of the world’s largest childcare movement with our Basket of Care Solutions customised as per the needs of the children and caregivers under the thematic areas of Quality Education, Health & Nutrition, Livelihood, Self-Help Groups, Youth Skilling, Capacity building & Community participation, Emergency Response and Climate change

Partner with us to create employee engagement and volunteering opportunities within the existing framework to improve motivation amongst employees

A small portion from the monthly salary of willing employees is donated to SOS Eswatini with or without matching grant from the company

A company can donate proceeds or a fixed percentage from the sale of one or more of its products, including new brands launched, to SOS Eswatini. This also includes retail tie-ups where customers support the cause via the company’s outlets.

Partner with us to combine your technical expertise to build a high-impact solution that will be valuable for children

An existing or new event where SOS Eswatini is the charity partner for example SOS Tarang – Our Annual Cultural and Sports Event

Cultural and Sports event or Sponsorship for any support raising Event.

Support the most marginalised children and families of our country with critical aid during an emergency, natural or man-made.

Our Key Corporate Partners

Our Publications

(January - August 2022)

(January - September 2021)

(July – Sep)

(Apr - June)

Institutional partnerships

In Eswatini institutional partnerships help create strategic, sustainable and large-scale social impacts and catalyse positive outcomes in children, youth, women and communities. Concurrently, in SOS Children’s Villages Eswatini at a micro-level, these concerted efforts have resulted in creating ‘a loving Home for every child’ since 1963. The evidence-backed impacts from our 31 project locations in Eswatini across 22 states and UTs provide key inputs to shape, influence and put into action policy and advocacy efforts focused around children, youth, mothers & caregivers and other vulnerable sections of our society.

SOS Children’s Villages Eswatini seeks to strengthen its Basket of Care Solutions by offering targeted interventions through its Multilateral, Government, Corporate and Individual partnerships. These partnerships aim to create sustainable outcomes in our flagship programmes, such as, in Family Like Care, Family Strengthening, Education & Youth Skilling, Kinship Care, Foster Care, Special Needs Childcare, Short Stay Home and Emergency Childcare.

Since 1963, SOS Children’s Villages Eswatini has proved to be a trusted and committed partner of Institutions that work in the areas of childcare, education, skilling and family welfare. It has provided safe homes and families to orphans and those at risk of abandonment by nurturing, mentoring and skilling them to become valuable members of our society.

Why should you partner with us

All our initiatives and activities are being supported by our development partners

  • Family Strengthening - Helping vulnerable families to become self-reliant to afford quality care for their children.
  • Education & Youth Skilling – Facilitating parental care among next of kin families.
  • Kinship Care – Facilitating parental care among next of kin families.
  • Family Like Care – Committed to provide a caring family to every child without parental care.
  • Short Stay Home – Creating safe spaces for children in distress.
  • Special Needs Childcare – Focusing on specialized long-term care for differently abled children without parental care.
  • Foster Care – Making way for quality childcare in certified foster families.
  • Emergency Childcare – Providing relief and rehabilitation to families affected by calamities/ emergencies.

Despite the ongoing pandemic the Eswatinin philanthropy continues to adapt and evolve. Whilst, the challenges and difficulties faced by the most disadvantaged communities including vulnerable children and youth continue to exacerbate and multiply. Therefore, all key stakeholders, intermediaries will have to make conscious and collaborative efforts toward fulfilling SOS Eswatini’s Vision to ensure that every child belongs to a Family; every child grows with Love, Respect and Security; and uphold its Mission to equip children to shape their own futures, build families for children in need and strengthen communities.

Key institutional partners include

Since 1964, SOS Children’s Villages Eswatini has worked with several international organisations and multilateral agencies like the United Nations, Government bodies and Embassies, local and international philanthropic organisations, charities, private foundations, and High Net-worth Individuals to help find a loving home for every child.

Please write in to for any query regarding institutional partnerships.

Why partner with us

  • Legacy

    We have been on our mission for nearly 75 years now.

    We have the legacy of a proven model that has helped four generations of once-parentless and abandoned children lead constructive lives. They have an identity, a family to call their own and most importantly, a life that inspires others to pursue their dreams.

  • We bring credibility to the table.

    We are the first childcare NGO to get a CRISIL rating (VO 1A) for strong delivery capability and high financial proficiency.

    SOS Eswatini has been awarded the NGO Leadership Award 2021 by the National CSR Leadership Congress and the Mahatma Award for Social Impact in childcare 2021.We also have been awarded the Credibility Alliance Certificate for adhering to norms prescribed for good governance of voluntary organisation. It is one of the highest forms of rating awarded for a period of five years.

  • We are present in 136 countries and territories with 400+ SOS youth facilities and 500+ SOS Children Villages.

  • We are practically present all over the country with 31 Children's Villages and community programmes in 22 States/UT’s-from Srinagar to Kochi, Bhuj to Hojai, Varanasi to Tirupati and Bhopal to Vishakhapatnam.

  • We help create a value chain of quality care services that goes beyond childcare alone, ensuring comprehensive child development. Our long-term customised care interventions such as: Family Like Care, Family Strengthening, Kinship Care, Short Stay Homes, Foster Care, Education & Youth Skilling, Emergency Childcare and Special Needs Childcare are aimed at transforming lives and making children into self-reliant and contributing members of society

  • We are the only self-implementing NGO working at the national level with children in 22 states. We are privileged to be part of the world’s largest childcare movement. We build families for children in need, we help them shape their future and share the development of their communities.

    It is in our DNA to strive for high efficiency, better cost control, quality and effectiveness.

  • We believe in complete transparency.

    We have been certified by TRACE, world’s leading anti-bribery standard setting organisation. It demonstrates our commitment to commercial transparency.

    We have also been certified by Dun & Bradstreet Information Services Eswatini Pvt. Ltd. (D&B Eswatini) in June 2015, including the organisation’s name in their Global Database. D&B considers management competence, performance of industry, operational performance as well as financial and non-financial trends before giving its opinion on a business entity.

  • We deliver on time and as planned. Our internal auditor and external statutory auditor look into all the aspects and details of the partnership including the processed and the impact.

  • Our model is innovative.

    We believe that no child should grow up alone. And also that every child belongs to a family and should grow up with love, respect and security.

    Over the past few years our focus has been to expand from one programme i.e. Family Like Care to a range of interventions which include Family Strengthening, Kinship Care, Foster Care, Short Stay Homes and Youth Skilling programmes. We shall continuously strive to enrich our programmes so as to bring customised care, protection and support to those who need it the most.

Come partner with us into bringing a sustainable change at scale, into the lives of children & families!!